Pongal release tamil movies 2012

Pongl is much cleberated festival in tamil nadu with long holidays so usually tamil cinema producers will target these festival holidays for the movie release usually five to ten movies will be released but this year 2012 only two film are going to be released

1. Nanban : Actors : Vijay, Jeeva, Srikanth, Ileana, Sathyaraj, S.J Surya and Sathyan
                  Directror : Shankar
                  Music : Harris Jeyaraj
                  Productions : Gemini Film Circuit
The movie Nanban is an remake of the bollywood movie 3 Idoits

2. Veetai : Actors- Madavan, Arya, Amala Paul, Sameera Reddy
                DIrector - Lingusamy
                Music - Yuvan Shankar Raja
                Productions- Tirupathi Brothers